Learn from data
As a rule, DR!FTCLUB saves every stint within a session. Only the best stint of each driver is displayed in the session leaderboard. However, you can display all the stints you have driven or the stints of other drivers.
This allows you to quickly find out how your personal development has progressed across all stints or which vehicles, engines and tunings you or other drivers were fastest with.
Lap-based and gymkhana analysis
DR!FTCLUB supports a classic turn-based stint analysis and - to do justice to DR!FT - also a detailed gymkhana stint analysis.
This allows you to analyze every single drift in detail and see exactly whether angles and speed can be improved.
Error analysis and target correction
You can also view each individual round in detail. Each target that belongs to this round is listed in detail.
DR!FTCLUB only evaluates lap times that match the track specifications 100%. If a sector target is missing or the minimum lap time has not been reached, a lap may be counted but the time will not be counted. As soon as a lap shows e.g. reading errors, this lap is marked accordingly with a warning.
Targets can also be corrected in the detailed view of a lap, so that an incorrectly recognized target type can be overwritten by another one. The original data is always retained so that it can be reset if necessary and to prevent manipulation.